The Fabulous DOVIMA. |
The Stunning SUNNY HARNETT. |
I received the above Veronique doll late last year, but with all the holiday shenanigans going on, I just hadn't had any time for her. She came on a original FR Body (and I'm really not crazy about those because they are so short and uneven in color) so that was the first thing to change. I transplanted her head onto an ITBE body and "viola" instant fashion model! I especially love the smaller bust, long neck and even longer legs! Those bodies have "model proportions" and both knees bend (which I prefer to the stiff Model Muses bodies). They also have a joint in the torso that allows them to hunch forward like Dovima or Sunny Harnett! Now she is one of my favorite in the collections and is sporting a new little "Italian retro bob". So, I thought that she should be featured in an Italian palazzo. Brava!
Soon, I will be getting back to my blog on a regular basis (promise)...now that my life has calmed down significantly (sharing more about that later).
Till then, enjoy this Divine Blond!